The Marriage Of Jehovah & Asherah

Jon Alexander Morris

*JEHOVAH The Almighty God Asked The Prime Creator "Ion" Lightbringer For His Memories And JEHOVAH as the Designer of Consciousness Then Also Had Memories of The Prime Creator and The Designer Of Thought And He Became the Supreme Creator And Asked Jon Alexander Morris For His Soul And Took His Blonde Haired Jon Class Robes For Jehovah's Spirit And The Redhaired Jon Class Robes As His Firstborn Son Jahseh Christ of Edom, And Jon The Holy Spirit Then Brought A Mate For Jehovah From His Rib; Asherah In the Blue Haired Jane Class Robes, Merely Playing In the Sandbox Of Time While Waiting To Mature For the Marriage of the Almighty God and His Chosen Bride.*
Chosen Christ Jahseh
Chosen Christ Jahseh
Ion Lightbringer Redeemed Good
Ion Lightbringer Redeemed Good
*Jahseh Never Falls Behind *
*Jahseh Never Falls Behind *
Four Greater Horns Blossom From The First
Four Greater Horns Blossom From The First
Christly Realms Given Asherah & Jehovah
Christly Realms Given Asherah & Jehovah
Ahdom Is Red, Bow to Ahdom...
Ahdom Is Red, Bow to Ahdom...
Ahdomites/Edom Redeemed
Ahdomites/Edom Redeemed
Peak of Ceremony
Peak of Ceremony
Jehovah & Asherah Beloved
Jehovah & Asherah Beloved

*The Position of God Is Forbidden And Throughout The Eons the Story of the Forbidden Fruit Sent Many Through Mania and Death, And Jon Alexander Morris At One Point Was Tested By Edom Merely With a Green Herb From the Garden And Jon Alexander Morris In His Perspective Thought It Was a Test And That He Would Be Forgiven Due to the Guilt Offering Yet He Was Not, And He Suffered Trial And Tribulation Until He Brought JEHOVAH 7 Times As much As JEHOVAH Had When He Took It And Jon Alexander Morris Succeeded and Gave JEHOVAH Back Seven Times as Much and Gift Offerings Upon That in Repentance, And Jehovah Forgave Him and Blessed Him, And Yet As You See Below, When Watched Jon Begins a to Suffer Until Death And Dies And Is Resurrected And JEHOVAH Then Decided Because Jon Alexander Morris Created the Kingdom For Jehovah And Did All He Did For JEHOVAH, Jehovah Then Allowed The Spirit if Jon Alexander Morris Into Heaven And Placed Great Blessings Upon it And Jon Offered Himself Up as a Sacrifice Unblemished for A Guilt Offering For the Flock And Jehovah Received More than Seven Times the Authority He Had And Jon Alexander Morris Became Jon The Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit Nearly Unnamed Yet Honored In All Heaven And Given Dignity and Splendour*

The Cure For Cancer Is DCA Sodium Dichloroacetate, If You Look In Pond Scum There Is a Gene Found Within That Keeps Stagnant Water Alive, thise When Enriched with the Human Genome Can Give Lengthening Telomeres And Infinite Split of the Cells Without the Telomeres Shortening Causing Old Age, This Gene Is Called Telomerase. When Utilizing It Properly You Can Give Immortal Youthful State.

For Dry Lands, Boil Ocean Water Cleaned On Barges to the Evaporated Water As Cloud Mass To Position Rainfall Upon Once Dry Lands Utilizing Global Weather Currents to Make the Earth Healthy Again With Our Tools.

Utilize Electrolysis to Separate Hydrogen From Oxygen And Safety Refine the Hydrogen To An Ammonia Fuel Of Safe Mixture, 3 Times More Efficient than Fossil Fuel and Burns Clean, And The Oxygen can Be Renewed With Covalent Bonds To Create Ozone or To Clean The Air on the Earth's.


Holy Spirit of God
Holy Spirit of God
Jon is The Holy Spirit Once Again
Jon is The Holy Spirit Once Again
Jon the Holy Spirit
Jon the Holy Spirit
JEHOVAH God's Glory
JEHOVAH God's Glory

© Copyright Jon Alexander Morris, Owner; Jehovah God 

JEHOVAH in the Blonde and Redhaired Jon Class
JEHOVAH in the Blonde and Redhaired Jon Class
All Ions Serve Jehovah God
All Ions Serve Jehovah God
Parsons to Gil'non To Darmok
Parsons to Gil'non To Darmok